
01642 656499


On the 29th July 2020, Prefer Homes went Paintballing! We took a group of our clients and 2 staff members to battle it out to the messy end.

During the lockdown period, our young people were exceptional and we wanted to give them a treat due to their amazing behaviour and way they dealt with all of the uncertainty. It was also a treat for one of our young people who turned 18 during the lockdown period.

We spent 3 hours with the fantastic team at District 23 in Billingham who provided us with outstanding service. The 3 hours were split into mini games which included elimination; capturing the flag; defending a particular point and attack of an enemy zone.
Our clients really enjoyed the afternoon and it really boosted their mood! It also helped the young people understand the importance of working as a team and built on their team building skills.
A big thank you to those at District 23; our staff and clients!


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